
Mastering Product Strategy: An Expert’s Guide

What is Product Strategy?

Product strategies are created with a particular purpose. It’s not only for the sake of building and maintaining that’s busy work. Products have some reason to exist the same for their strategies. Figuring out the cause and involving the entire organization’s mission in that specific strategy is step one.

Understanding Customer Needs and Evolution

Products are created keeping in mind the customer needs, thus, any product strategy that is to be affected should suit their needs and wants. Given that customers seldom know what they need and how they want it, the product strategy has to be created to contain something in between their say and want. Customer’s needs have been said not to be statistical and they evolve thereby requiring the product to be dynamic. 


According to a recent survey, 60% of customers are more likely to stay loyal to a brand that adapts to their evolving needs.

Understanding Your Value Chain and Its Evolution


While you are thinking of developing a product strategy, it must be crafted in a way that fits in a larger ecosystem. Products and their users don’t exist in a vacuum. Identifying where they can fit in the value and where the friction point is crucial for the changes made in strategy according to evolving customers’ needs. 

Anticipating Change in Product Strategy

Although strategic thinkers don’t possess psychic powers, they should look forward and look at factors possibly damaging the product’s prospects for expansion and utilization. The successful strategy of a product is usually managing the needs of a particular period and the ability to forecast needs that may render an organization’s growth challenging in the future.

Defining Actions to Address Changes

Product strategy must be devised with a view of a broader horizon, as the element that mitigates the disruption or seizes upcoming opportunities must be included.

Measuring Success and Course Correction

There’s no way to know if a strategy is successful if no one’s keeping the scoreboard ready. While the strategy itself shouldn’t be hitting specific metrics, tracking progress and KPIs identify progress and offer potential warning signs. Regular tracking helps ensure adjustments can be made to keep the product on a profitable path. 

Research shows that 70% of product managers find KPI tracking crucial for accurate course correction.

The Power of Product Strategy

Your product strategy helps establish a link between the business needs and the product. 

Businesses serve different strategies, Organization possesses various manners and approaches. All are designed to ensure that the right things get built and that a high-level product strategy requires knowing how the team fits in between the overall organizational goals and roadmap programs.

Mission and Vision

On this point, it is rather easy to define a company’s vision and mission as being intertwined. The vision is the declaration of how the company will achieve it and the mission is a story of how this will be done. These are not strictly speaking business strategies; however, they provide the barest minimum sense of how a given vision might be implemented. From a mission statement, you can then develop a tactic, and that’s where the product is considered.

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Product Plans and Initiatives

Plans are just one level below the strategies of the product. They represent the actual execution level where resources are allocated, budgets are defined, and schedules are organized. Project plans are all about carrying out product strategy planning, leaving little space for ambiguity, targets, and intent.

How to Craft Your Product Strategy?

There is nothing that requires as much effort as coming up with product strategies. If it were easy, every businessman would make lots of money and all start-up businesses would become business mega stores. This way, a simple playbook can be used to keep track of what needs to be achieved without overshadowing any prioritized tasks.

Importance of Competitive Analysis in Product Strategy

A product strategy shouldn’t be crafted solely by the product manager. Ignoring the competition in the market is a mistake, as most products face direct competitors or alternatives for similar services. Conducting competitive analysis is essential; it requires a disciplined and smoother approach to evaluate other players looking for the same customer base.

Evaluating Competitor Features

Assess each alternative’s features and capabilities to understand which attributes attract the target market. Not all features hold the same value to buyers and users.

Pricing Strategy and Competitor Influence

Competitors must be closely observed; product strategy must include premium price-cutting techniques to attract customers. It’s a challenging task to set a price without determining the rates of other market players. A comprehensive analysis should include current market prices and competitor positioning.


Over 45% of companies review competitors’ prices to guide their pricing strategy.

Role of Product Management in Pricing

Product managers should actively participate in pricing strategy, even if others, like sales or business development, have their say in setting prices. Product managers possess a unique understanding of the product’s cost of goods sold (COGS) and its real value to various customer segments. 

Streamlining with other business areas, product managers help set a pricing model that aligns with the company’s growth, revenue, and profitability goals.

How to Align the Roadmap Under the Product Strategy

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The product roadmap plays an essential role in transforming product strategy from theory to reality. It provides a basis for how the product will evolve to achieve its key goals and communicate priorities to everyone involved in its launch. However, translating a strategy and deciding on the roadmap underneath, isn’t a trivial undertaking. It requires identifying what matters most to key organizational stakeholders and also extensive planning.

How to Stay Accountable with Your Product Strategy?

The sustainability and performance of a product strategy are a clear reflection of its positioning towards and within product management. But if it appears fanciful or if it fails to deliver the desired outcomes, the responsibility and accusations will always be directed at product managers. With this in mind, product managers should be assured of their line of product development. If there is one area that Unstable has to be stable, they have to correct any errors or omissions, no matter how small.

Inherited Product Strategies

Product strategies are crafted with team efforts. Some of the members manage the products, while others create the initial plan. However, each team member should be valued along with their work and ensure misunderstandings are not personal. The stakeholders should inherit product strategies that are determined as historical drivers. 

Also, the review of the assumption used to craft strategies sometimes serves as gold mines. Market evolvement sometimes makes your current strategy invalid or non-operational.

Avoiding Stale Strategies

Product strategies need to be learned over and over again. Proceed from the assumptions, then work step by step with the alternatives and the new developments against them. If it would not crumple under this kind of examination, then it is still in fairly good condition. If not, it is high time for change Since there is no way you could know who is going to call you or what circumstances might force you to use a certain number. Relatively small changes and reiterations of the strategy are less complicated than the complete switch as a result of inaction for a considerably longer amount of time. 

Regular reassessment protects product management’s trust and reputation, as it keeps the strategy stable. Studies show that 64% of companies that regularly review product strategies outperform their competitors.


To align business goals, it is vital to create an effective product strategy. Keeping in mind the customer needs and competition in the market. By prioritizing KPIs, adopting flexibility, and leveraging competitive insights, businesses can draft strategies that drive sustainable growth. 

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